Saturday, March 16, 2019

Second Sided

The second side is crossed up now. Beginning to work on the bottom while still stitching back on the top.

One More Tree Complete

Two more sessions and I'll have this corner done.

Gifts From Prison

These were made for me by inmates at Lipjan prison. I visit there fairly often for my job and have established a rapport with both the inmates and the staff.

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Diaspora Returns

I believe these people are part of the diaspora for some reason.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March Done

March is now done. There's a stitching mistake in the middle that makes the bottom off a bit, but I decided not to frog.

Still A Long Way

Still a long way to go to get to the other side, but making some progress.

March Cozyblue

I have the feeling that a lot of my stitch maynia is going to be cozyblue kits. I so want to start them.