Friday, April 05, 2019

New Puppy Addition

Andreas swore we wouldn't get another dog until he retired. Surprise! We saw this little boy being dropped off in a field, and had to rescue him. He's ours now, and he's a super energetic little puppy about three months old. He bites, he keeps us up at night, but he's also a bundle of sweetness. His name is Grayson.

Dragonfly Wings

The wings of the dragonfly are coming into existence. This is still not the halfway point yet.

Four Done

I'm a third of the way through! It's looking pretty good.

Lunch At Kulla Peje

This is a very good restaurant near the old part of Peje. It's in an old home/fortress called a kula. The food was delicious and there were no leftovers, thanks to Bashkim.

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Tiny Temari

My students wanted to learn how to make tiny temari, so these are the first four I made. The largest is less than two centimeters in diameter. They're a bit hard to do that small!

Two And A Quarter

About half of one side of the bottom garden is done. This is going a bit slowly because the spinner hasn't been kind. I also didn't bring it with me here to Naples. Thought it'd be hard to stitch here with needing  the puter, too.

Glossy Box March

Hair stuff in this one. That's good! I'm thinking of suspending my subscription for a bit because I have so much stuff to use up.