Sunday, May 05, 2019

Winter Stitchy Box

Lots of nice things in the winter box. Some of them will make their way into stitch maynia.

Fluttering Sash

Lots of the upper sash is done now. 

Two Bowling It

Mattie decided she wanted both bowls at the same time and she looks kind of silly.

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Peacock Stitchy Box

This is the stitchy box I am currently opening. Kind of disappointed by the lack of patterns so far and how little/small things are.

Dragonfly Done

My dragonfly egg from Mill Hill is done. One more old project done before the beginning of stitch maynia.

The Macedonian Word For Honey

At breakfast, we found out the Macedonian name for honey is my name. I don't think anyone calls me honey, though.

Friday, May 03, 2019

Springtime Stitchy Box

Time for another subscription box. i'm going to hold off on opening this one, as i like to do them one at a time.