Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Backstitching A Bit

The back stitching is beginning on the right. It adds a bit of definition to the two lines of pattern. There's a whole bunch of it, though!

To The Corner

I am rounding up to the third corner. Feeling positive about finishing.

Puppy SIlliness

Even though he's only five weeks old in these photos, Grayson shows both his serious and silly sides. The silly side usually wins.

Monday, May 06, 2019

Irresistible Yarn

Saw this on sale and Chandi Expressions and decided I need to make myself a new shawl. Now for the puppy to give me time.

I Hate Incomplete Kits

This would have been done a week ago, except the kit didn't have enough of two bead types. I am careful with my beads and I don't lose them. There just weren't enough. Almost done, at least, and beads ordered.

Little Grayson

Our new puppy the day we rescued him. He's grown quite a bit since then, and has proved himself to be exuberant about everything.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Winter Stitchy Box

Lots of nice things in the winter box. Some of them will make their way into stitch maynia.