Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mill Hill Kits

When I ordered extra beads for my M'Lady's Quadrielle, I ordered these too.

Stitch Maynia #5: Snowflakes

Another start, and from a pattern I received in a Stitchy Box. The thread and linen weren't, though. I have so many things to finish...

Amsterdam Buildings

Random building photos of Amsterdam in the area we were staying. Old and pretty.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Stitch Maynia #3: Seeds of Freedom

I have been wanting to do this piece from Silver Creek Farm for quite a while, and, since I had it all, stitch maynia was the perfect time to start.

Stitch Maynia #4: Baran

A little comical ram to make from Riolis. I hope I get it done quickly. It'll go good in a hoop.

Cozyblue May

This month's little cozyblue is going  to get started in my stitch maynia starts. Now to find time...

Lufthansa Business Class Food

Food we had on our flights from Pristina to Frankfurt and then from Frankfurt to Amsterdam last December. We were able to get business tickets because of so many United miles.