Sunday, May 19, 2019

Owlet Alarm Done

One more little finish from stitch maynia gone by. He's kind of cute.

Mill Hill Kits

When I ordered extra beads for my M'Lady's Quadrielle, I ordered these too.

Stitch Maynia #5: Snowflakes

Another start, and from a pattern I received in a Stitchy Box. The thread and linen weren't, though. I have so many things to finish...

Amsterdam Buildings

Random building photos of Amsterdam in the area we were staying. Old and pretty.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Stitch Maynia #3: Seeds of Freedom

I have been wanting to do this piece from Silver Creek Farm for quite a while, and, since I had it all, stitch maynia was the perfect time to start.

Stitch Maynia #4: Baran

A little comical ram to make from Riolis. I hope I get it done quickly. It'll go good in a hoop.

Cozyblue May

This month's little cozyblue is going  to get started in my stitch maynia starts. Now to find time...