Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Stitch Maynia #9: Wildwood

A pretty little mandala piece to do. It shouldn't take much time to finish when I get back to it.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Cologne Statue

This statue was at the side of the bridge across the Rhine by our hotel in Cologne. It looks kind of cool at night.

New Nails

I decided to try some stick on nails. Some day soon I hope to put them on.

Stitch Maynia #8: Swarm of Bees

My bee has legs.

Stitch Maynia #7: X Octogon 34

This is the X that gives the piece its name...

Skating In Amsterdam

We went to the local ice rink by the Rijksmuseum and watched the boys skate. I gave them a few pointers on how to do it a bit better, balance wise.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Stitch Maynia #6: Flower Power

Changed up the colors on this majorly. The fabric isn't quite as dark as the photo. I like the look.