Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Glossy Box May

This box was better than usual from Glossy, but I've decided to take a break. I have to work my way through all the stuff I have.

Heather In Amsterdam

The Dutch have decided to use hardy heather to brighten up short winter days in Amsterdam. We saw it in several flower boxes.

Monday, June 03, 2019

Stitch Maynia #13: Spin Cycle

This little freebie from Ink Circles is going to use up one of my Jodyri skeins.

Stitch Maynia #12: Framed: Sisley

I got the outer border of this done. Now to fill it in.

Runner Kit

I saw this kit on the Sew and So site and thought it was so pretty and cheerful I bought it.

Same Statue

Same statue as the night one I posted last week. You can see how cloudy it was. Andreas took it from this angle because it reminded him of someone.

Saturday, June 01, 2019

Stitch Maynia #2: Take Good Care

This didn't get photographed at the right time, so it's out of sequence. I'm making it for a friend.