Sunday, June 09, 2019

Stich Maynia #19: Wildflower Heart

Top of one lobe about done on this. I like the colors I chose.

Over The Canal

Overlooking the canal by where we were staying and watching the duck leave ripples in the stillness on a beautiful morning.

Saturday, June 08, 2019

Dutch Road Food

There is a chain I've only seen at Dutch rest stops. It's got hot food ready and healthy to eat, and you pick and sit down and eat. Not a bad concept - if you can find the person to pay.

Stitch Maynia #18: Bright Idea

 This is the beginning of yet another Ink Circles. Can you believe I still have some unstarted charts?

Stitch Maynia #16: Solar System

Mercury rising on the fabric. 

Cologne At Night

A photo from one side of the Rhein to the other. Cologne can look pretty at night, even in bad weather.

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Stitch Maynia #15: Snow is Coming!

One day's work and I'm almost halfway done. The opalescent fabric is hard to work on!