Saturday, June 15, 2019

Two! Two Pillars!

Both pillars now started on this, and a lot to go. Since I didn't have one of the DMC colors called for when I needed it, I went ahead and ordered all in the pattern. Thread arrived yesterday.

Extra Fabric

This color of fabric makes me happy, so I bought an extra piece in 40 count.

Christmas Leftovers

All the empty bottles. A lot of people came over, so don't judge.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Summer Fab Fit Fun

Lots of jewelry, a few bowls, and a kimono this time. Going to use most of it and give the kimono away because I think it's too small. Love the little bowls.


This is getting close to done, too. Time for the possum to be lettered.

Daily For A Bit

This was my daily project for much of May. You can see a lot of progress and how it's almost done.

Playing Machi Koro

We played Machi Koro for the first time in Amsterdam, with a German language deck. I never win, but it's fun to play.