Saturday, June 29, 2019

Third House Complete

Three houses complete, meaning first row. It's only been a bit more than a year since I started it...

Seahorse Kit

I have been itching to do goldwork for a bit. I need a less destructive and time consuming puppy and some peace to do it. Soon, I hope.

Feeling Done

I am ready to be done with this. The big central motif is complete, and I'm beginning to work on the corner mazes. It will be done, eventually.

Dinner Out Alone

Andreas and I went out for dinner and found a pizza place near the Rijksmuseum. The food was pretty good; waiter's attitude wasn't. We did get cider, though. We wandered the area looking at Christmas lights afterwards.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

June Done

June was done a bit ago, but I've been behind in posting. Almost time for July. Liking my color choices this year much better than last.

More Border, More Column

The sides of everything got a bit more stitching, and, when the thread comes for the column tops, they'll be filled in.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Goldwork Dragon Kit

Goldwork, finally, comes more into kits. Thank you Golden Hinde. I will get to this soon.