Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Tree!

I have a tree and a roof starting to show now.

Red Stripe

I now have a red stripe and the beginnings of a couple of words are showing.

Sushico First Visit

Less than a week after it opened, we went to dinner at Sushico. This is a Turkish restaurant chain that serves Asian food. Most of the cooking staff are Asian. The food is gooood! It's great to have a real Asian restaurant in Pristina. We have been back several times so far.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Christmas Ornaments

Christmas ornaments, Texas style. Fancy Stitches is running a set of ornaments that are Texas themed. I received the first!

More Motifs Done

The one full diamond line is done. That means I'm over halfway done. Go me!


A lot of the right side column had to be redone because I made a mistake. It's all good now, but a bit of walking things back. At least there's a way forward.

More Puppy Pictures

Photos of Grayson from mid-March. He grew a lot in a couple of weeks, and continues to grow like a weed.