Sunday, August 04, 2019

Almost Half

This part is still going quickly, with almost half of it done. I like quick sometimes!

More Of Capri

There are some lovely gardens and views on Capri. And there are lemons everywhere. The lemons scent the air, along with oranges. 

Saturday, August 03, 2019

It's Capri

We spent an afternoon in Capri when we visited Italy in April. It's such a lovely town; I would have liked to spend more time there. And I got a watch!

Sleepy Puppy

This big at less than two months old...

Cornering, Cornering

Still on this third corner, but the second bell is almost done.

Two Mazes Done

Two more corner mazes and the bottom border to go. I'm getting this puppy done!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Zenpop Stationery June

I am now subscribed to a Japanese stationery box. This is my first one. I gave away the stickers and have been using the mildliners for a work project. Success so far. Will play with the colored mechanical pencil soon.