Saturday, September 14, 2019

Summer Outdoors Stitchy Box

I have a new stitchy box to open. It'll go in the closet until it's time. I need to find more time for stuff.

To The Bottom

I am so close  to being finished with this. The bottom mazes are almost done, and I am about to start the bottom border.

Jalapeno Farm

Over in Peje, there's a field of jalapenos. In Kosovo. They're real jalapenos, and they're picked and sold and put on the market not only in Kosovo, but exported through North Macedonia to the rest of Europe.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bits Of Water

I now have the compass started and water in the ocean.


When I first framed this, Andreas didn't have an opinion. Now he wants to keep it. So, to find room...

Working Lunch In Peje

Had lunch in Peja while doing ACS work. Life is hard.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September Started

September is started in this photo. It's done now, but no photo because it's in Pristina and I am in Budapest.