Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Top row is done. It's going to be a square, so there's a lot to go, but it's a good start and the colors look like heather.

Almost Halfway

More and more of this is getting done, and it's beginning to look like the design. Still quite a bit to go, but the end is in sight.

What To Buy...

This is what happens at the duty free store when you realize you have extra of the local currency to spend because you don't know when you'll be back.

New Puppies

Early last month I was walking Grayson when, from the other end of the footpath, a little black and white streak ran toward us. I thought the puppy was owned and expected someone to come pelting after. Nope. The little thing went directly to Grayson for comfort. This was barely into our walk, so I came home with this little puppy, handed her over to Andreas, and started walking Grayson again. At the far end of the footpath, we went to the street side of the houses, and one of the neighborhood teenagers told me there was another little puppy in the hedge. He and Grayson pulled the second puppy out and I took him home too. 

We now have Chad (brown) and Carol (white and black).  When we tried to give them back to mom, they returned the next morning begging for Grayson. So we now have four dogs. And Grayson is much better behaved.

Monday, September 23, 2019

So. Very. Close.

I was so close to finishing this in Budapest, but ran out of blue thread! Ordered some online, and it was here in Pristina by the time we got back. So finish photo next week.

Language Folder

I now have a folder to put my Serbian homework in, thanks to Flying Tiger in Budapest.

Garlic Chicken

Garlic chicken became some kind of Kosovo tradition during Yugoslav times. A few Fridays ago, we went to Restaurant Saranda, which specializes in garlic chicken. It's soooo good. The soup was good too, and the salad, but you come for the chicken.