Monday, October 21, 2019

Liberty Finished

Yay, a little finish! I like the way this turned out quite much. I think I am going to try to stretch it on a canvas.

Busy Evening With Commandante Marcos

We were busy at the end of August, and instead of cooking, we went to Commandante Marcos for dinner. It was all good, except the cheese on the nachos was cold.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Two Stash Shipments

Andreas took both of these together. One is the September Jodyri shipment, and the rest is from 123Stitch. Now to find time...

Three Flowers

This has popped into the rotation and the random number generator loves it. So far, one session done and one and a bit more flowers done. Two pillow cases in this.

Posing Puppies

Chad, Carol, and Grayson hanging out and squishing where ever they can.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Japanese Snacks

Japanese snacks as a gift from my in laws. Thank you Betsy and Michael.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Popping Red

Got some red popping on the piece. Little bits getting done at a time. About halfway done.