Thursday, November 28, 2019

One Sword

Yay, the right sword is finished! I've got a lot more to do on this, but it's looking pretty good so far.

Well Trained

I now have Andreas well enough trained that he takes photos of his own food without me there. The burger and fries were from Sen5s on a weekend lunch break as he worked some of the overtime he's been doing for the move.

July 4th In Kosovo

For America's Independence Day, Kosovo put US flags all over Pristina overnight. These were in front of the new embassy. They also let us use the top of the Ministry of Defense to launch fireworks.

November Done

November is done now. Just need December.

Half An Ornament

I've got some more of this done. It's to the halfway point.

What's In Your Freezer?

We are on home leave and this is what's in our freezer. The plastic bag is full of French butter to bring home.

Picnic Fare

Lots of food for John Madden's going away picnic. Our contribution was a smoked brisket.