Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Group Dinner At Liburna

Liburna proved it could handle giant groups with no problem in September, when we brought thirty people there to have a celebratory meal after the embassy move. Most were from out of Kosovo and had come in to help.

Two Swords Done

Up to two swords done now, and almost a third done with the piece!

Random Snowflake

Random pattern off pinterest, random floss, and random fabric produced this. I need to make it into an ornament by Christmas.

Are You My Mummy?

Burial stuff for a midlevel priest from the Naples Archaeology Museum. They did a good job of laying it out in a way that made sense.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Starting The Butterflies

Twenty butterflies around the edges. Lots of stitching to do. But it's started. This is the biggest part so far of this. Not really happy about that.

Bits Of Red

More red done on the flag and a bit more dress at the top.