Monday, January 13, 2020

Color Changing Drink

Game Theory Bar has board games and color changing drinks! I had one. It was a novelty, but it tasted pretty good, too.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Yay, Motifs!

The moon's done, the leaves almost done, and the owl started. Yay!

Sisley Ornamented

This has been gifted and it's done done. I think it turned out rather well.

Nine Patch Ornament

A little bit of cross stitch, a little bit of beads, and voila! an ornament is made.

German In Fort Worth

Knowing how much Andreas likes German food, we went to Edelweiss. It's kind of like walking into the 1970's, Wurlitzer organ and all. The food was good, though, and plentiful. We enjoyed it.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Top part of the sampler done. Looks pretty neat. Just about ready to get more done.

Jodyri December

I have a bunch of pretty floss and two more pieces of fabric from Jodyri Designs. The fabric club was one year long with one bonus piece. I didn't renew the fabric because I have way too much, but the floss will keep coming.