Saturday, January 18, 2020

Last On Right

The last snowflake on the right is done, and I am getting closer to a finish on this. Lots of tree trunk to go, though.

Reddit Christmas Exchange

Once again I participated in the Reddit Christmas exchange. The sender was so thoughtful and considerate, and I will use everything!

Started Beading

I started beading my Play Ball, as I'm closing in on finishing  the cross stitching. This is about to become my daily stitch so I can knock it out.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Pet Photo

Leonora, our dog sitter, gave us this lovely framed photo as a new year gift. It's now sitting proudly on my desk. From left to right, Mattie, Grayson, Carol, and Chad. Our darlings.

My New Year Start

I decided to do a small project for this year. The idea is to finish it this year, preferably in the first half. It's a Chatelaine design, one of the mini mandalas. One day's work isn't too shabby.

Six And A Half

Six and a half butterflies to go. I am certainly not keeping this. I start samplers and get bored with them. Not the fault of the designer at all.

Fondue Fire

We had our (very) belated anniversary dinner at Simply Fondue in Sundance Square.  As these photos show, I do light my marshmallows on fire. Food was good, company was better.