Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Playing With A Tail

The right tail gets swirly as the middle gray seahorse gets a face.

One Field Almost

One more flower to finish on the first pillowcase and the second now started. About halfway done!

Cuddly Littles

The littles liked to lay on each other when they were younger. They don't do this anymore.

Monday, April 06, 2020

More Light Comes

The jar takes shape now, and there are little firefly lights in it. Getting to be about halfway done with this.

Puppies Indoors

Mattie is still the queen bee, even as she sits near shreds from the other three. All these photos taken on the same day.

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Baby Aghan Yarn

Six skeins of Coboo to make a baby afghan for the Hoffmans. I'm beginning to focus more this week, so maybe I'll get it done.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Vineyard Framed

This is another framing job by the local framer. He did it pretty well! This will get hung on the wall with the other samplers.