Sunday, April 19, 2020

Lots Of Purple

I decided to just follow the lines in this one and work out to in. So far, one full ring done and part of another.

Another Square

Another square ornament done. My Christmas give away stash is building!

Hilton Dinner

Hotel food is expensive. Especially when it's an upper end hotel like the Hilton in the castle district of Budapest. Flagship for the city, and so on. So, this meal you see was very expensive. There was nothing that wasn't to the common denominator in it. It was bland. And disappointing.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Windows Done

I have done a bit more on this, and the sixth house has its windows and most of its bricks. The door needs more work, though.

Almost A Diamond

I almost have a diamond shape now. This is close to halfway done!

Ipsy March

Yay, we get mail again! This is my ipsy from March. I like the bag and some of the stuff, but coffee scrub? Really? Who wants to smell like coffee?

First Budapest Meal

There aren't many restaurants on the castle hill in Budapest. None are a value. That included this one that we found open on a Sunday afternoon - another hard thing - and ate lunch at. The mango lemonade was great, and the cucumber salad was good. The rest was meh. It was such a relief leaving Pristina and the embassy move behind, though.