Monday, June 22, 2020

Last Chance At Fried Pickles

The burger was good, but it was the fried pickles that made this meal. It was at one of the places on Seventh Street in Fort Worth. Bar area. But fried pickles. I think this was the last time I've had them. I wonder if I could make them.

By The Harbor

These photos were taken by Ohrid's harbor. They've made the area lush with vistas and garden plantings. The stray dogs love the plantings.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

More Crests

There are a lot of little spikes at the top of the helmet. Getting them done slowly.

Czarina- Stitch Maynia #26

I am finally doing another one of the dodecagon ornaments. This one is off to a pretty good start. It's also different in that the outer border is in two colors instead of one.

Sweet Mesquite

I like Sweet Mesquite's barbecue and their fried okra, so we headed there on one of our last days in Fort Worth. Turns out the one we went to had a kitchen fire a few days later. Anyway, it tasted truly wonderful.

Albanian Lunch

Saint Naim is at the southern end of Lake Ohrid. About half a mile from it is the Albanian border. So we went to Albania for lunch. This place was in the first (resort) town, and on a canal tucked back from the main drag. The food was good, and too much. That pie thing was stuffed with cheese and parsley. it was truly filling. We finished lunch and drove back  to Ohrid.

Friday, June 19, 2020