Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Two Blobs

Since I am so off on the spacing of my stitches on the right, I've decided to go my own way on it. Right now this looks like two blobs.

Captured Hearts - Work From Home #10

This is a freebie from Kreinik. Not doing it in Kreinik threads at the moment. Still looks pretty good so far.

Little Ram Circle

My little ram is done and all rounded up. He just makes me smile.

One More Lisa

Another Lisa's Restaurant outing. This time with a bigger crowd. They do food and service well.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Eight Of Twelve

Yay, eight square done, and two rows too.


It is evidently the year to collect masks. So I got some Texas Rangers ones.

On To The Third

On to the third corner now. Feeling somewhat like progress. Maybe I'll finish the part seven specialty and back stitches as I finish part nine.