Thursday, July 23, 2020

On The Outline

This has very little left to be completed. Another finish on the way. Not sure I like the pop art aspect of the middle portion.

Cotton And Twine May

This is a subscription box from the UK. It's the first one I've received from them. Full kit including frame, a smaller felting kit, and chocolate. Might be a keeper.

Babushka Puppies

Tying scarves around puppies' heads to make  them look like babushkas. Plus one of Chad being a reluctant pillow.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Stitchybox Fabric - June

Another pink fabric to add to my collection. I need to do more on pink.

Novel Corona Prayer - Work From Home #11

Another coronavirus freebie. I've decided to do it monochrome instead of the hues called for.


Throat's done and he's got one complete arm.

Chad The Dude

A particularly nice shot of Chad from Leonora the dogsitter. All attitude, this one.