Thursday, October 29, 2020

Ink Spot #17: Pressed Flowers by Ink Circles - Work From Home #27

Another Ink Circles start. This one was another Patreon exclusive, and my color choices. It's supposed to be a bookmark.


Novo Brdo

The pod went to Novo Brdo for lunch and sightseeing early this summer. Yes, there were clouds. Thankfully, it didn't rain.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Spikes And Spikes

More and more spikes on this. Surely I will run out soon? At least I'm getting this helmet's outline done.


Lots Of Squares

This is looking pretty nice. I'm working on the outer squares now, so it will be done soon.

Birthday Gifts

Thank you to Andreas' parents! They sent me these lovely gifts for my birthday. The foil wrapped bits above are Hi Chews, but the box is beautiful and will be used long after the candy's gone. And an obi book, so I can learn about how to use the peacock one they sent me. Thank you!


Random Renaissance

Late 2019 meal at Renaissance. We've been back since the virus hit, but we're not going to be able to much longer because it's getting cold here, and outdoors is currently the only option for us.


Monday, October 26, 2020

On The Bottom Row

Yay, completely on the bottom row of the knots now! Soon I can fill in.