Thursday, April 15, 2021

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Officially Over Halfway

Three boxes past the halfway point. Yay! I think it's looking pretty good so far.


Almost All The Dates

I am almost done with the last year's date. Yay! That's a lot of progress, as the last panel doesn't have a date in it.

Young Carol

This photo is of Carol before she grew old enough to have the brown spot on her head. Doesn't she look adorable?

Yarn Bombed Prizren

Downtown Prizren has several yarn bombed trees. And it had a lot of people out and about for a pandemic happening. No masks, too.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Working On The Top

 Still working on the blue part of the flag and the pole. There are a lot of stitches there, but it's slowly taking shape.