Sunday, April 18, 2021

Long Legged Tiny Carol

A lot of Carol traits in this photo - anxiety, long legs, still wanting to be friends, not quite sure of anything.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Fire And Air

Yay, the top half of this is done!


Third Flowering

This is getting to the point where it will be a daily stitch to get it done soon. I like crewel. It goes so much more quickly.


Stitchybox Birthday Bash Box Opened

This was several months late, but it's here and opened and now I can make that bee up top right.


A Socially Distanced Meeting

The puppies plot their takeover of the household. That's silly; they already run it.


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Getting Hopeful

When I am done with this last, started, tree, there are three more parts to go. They don't look huge. I am beginning to get hopeful I will finish this.


Down To The Bottom

I have now officially hit the bottom row. I -think- I'm about halfway done, overall. The piece is slowly taking shape.