Saturday, July 10, 2021

Consular Farewell

A farewell very late lunch at Molla e Eger for Jimmy, my boss, as he leaves for other places.


Why You Taking My Picture?

All four puppies asking the same question.


Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Carol On A Drive

Carol likes to judge people as we drive along. She's very good in the car.


Stitch Maynia #18 - Face DIY Embroidery by Flying Tiger

This has an eye done now. A bit more to go. Nice embroidery for a stationery store.


Coneflowered Up

All the little flowers are finished. Time to hoop this up.


Mattie's Last Snow

This was the snow in April 2020. It was the last snow Mattie would see. She loved being out in it.