Saturday, November 06, 2021

Half A Jupiter

Jupiter is coming along. Lots to stitch and it gets a bit hard to see on the black, but it's turning out okay.


Arctic Friends Start

I started opening this box about two weeks ago. Still have a ways to go.


Making Raki

Across the courtyard where we were drinking and eating, the guys were making the year's raki.


Wild Geraniums

You can find these little flowers all over the Balkans if you look for them.


Thursday, November 04, 2021

All Flaked Out

The fabric is a lot more purple, but the piece is done. Another Ink Circles finish as I work slowly through my stash. I think it'll make a nice little ornament.


Stitching The Branches

The blue inside is done, and now i's time for all the branches blowing in the vortex.



The antlers are done. Now on to the whole of the rest of the reindeer. So much more to do!