Sunday, December 12, 2021

Still More Brown

I am almost to the part of the Lady where I go brown, and brown, and more brown, and even more brown...

One Diamond

I finished one of the diamonds and started on another. All accomplished.


Box From Valentina

This piece of cartonnage and everything in it was given me by one of the people I visit regularly for my job. She does a great deal of making. They turned out well.


All In One

All three puppies resting on the bed together. A rare sight.

On To The Weaving

This shirt has some embroidery on it, but the next few pics show the weaving process.


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Getting Some Gears

I know they're not really gears, but the swirls in the middle look like them.


About Halfway

Almost halfway done with this. I truly like the color combination.