Sunday, August 07, 2022


His lightning bolt is missing, but Zeus is ready to throw anyway.


Saturday, August 06, 2022

Almost Three Wedges

This looks like a bit of a crown right now in Ukrainian colors. But it'll come full circle soonish. 


Chocolate Gift

Leonora found this boutique chocolate shop just outside of old town Warsaw. She bought me this dark chocolate with dried cherries. It was very good. Thank you, Leonora! I hope your family liked the ones you brought to them.


Half Way Across

Half way across the top now, and I like the color of the Jodyri floss on this. It's a total of 60 stitches across, so a bit more to go.


Decoration on Clay and Stone

Bits of grave goods plus a giant amphora. Lots of decoration on these.


La Tenuta de Ciro

This place was a very short walk from Casa Scola in Gragnano. It was a cute place and the food was very good. Those orange slices are some kind of squash that is native to the area. I have not seen it anywhere except around Naples. This place made up for the disappointment that was Casa Scola.


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Wildflowers Done

I have another finish. Not at all sure I like the completed project, but it's another one done.