Saturday, August 13, 2022

Back In The Corners

The corners are big on this, so there are going to be a lot of bits with progress only on a corner.


More Putty

I've almost got the faces done on this pair of gargoyles, but it's slooow going. I should have used a larger fabric size. But it -is- almost done.



I got this done for Valerie and Sam. Need to find out if they want me to finish it or get it finished in DC. I's much brighter in person.


Looking Up And In

I used to think the Hapsburg palace in Vienna was big. But then we went to Caserta. It is huge. This area is only the entrance way, with long vistas and great rotundas.


Of Minotaurs And Men

The classicists liked their figures - even the ones with bull's heads.


Sunday, August 07, 2022

Adding Green

Added some green to this. It's beginning to look majestic.


Cozyblue June

A pretty little piece on black. I may start it soon, as I am running out of small pieces already started.