Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Egypt in Greece

So... why not have a roomful of Egyptian tomb goods in the Athens Archaeological Museum?


Monday, August 15, 2022

Mill Hill Kits

I had to buy some floss to finish something. While at 123Stitch, these hopped into my cart.


Island Sheepish

I found this started, so I am adding to it. It should be done quickly.


Fourth Corner Started

I am finally on the fourth corner for this.



The dragon has a back now. It's time to get the tummy done.


Lots of Details

Lots of bas relief everywhere you look at Caserta. This place must have taken so many people so very long to make.


Ingenius Device

They found this thing on a shipwreck. It seems to maybe be a calculator from the classical age, but no one's sure. Anyway, they're trying to rebuild it to find out.