Sunday, August 21, 2022

19th Century Calculator

This seems to be a Liebniz machine that was used for calculating in the 19th century. Not at all sure what it was doing in Caserta palace's called an arithrometer. This one was built by Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar and was evidently used at the castle for business. Can understand the need for a calculator considering the size of this place.


Ordinary People

Murals of ordinary people who look like they could be living today.


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Black Needle Society Christmas In July

This box had so few stitching supplies in it. I'm not sure it's worth keeping the subscription because it seems to be a trend to become a lifestyle box instead of a stitching box.


A Building

All the rest of the piece is full coverage, so it'll be slower going from here on out.


Abandoning The Hedgerow

I made a counting mistake a bit back and I'm not wedded to this, so into the trash it goes before I put more effort into it.


Some Fingers

The first couple of fingers are started. Getting out of the corners.


Three Ceilings, Two Paintings

18th century excess at its best.