Sunday, September 04, 2022

Animals in Relief

Lots of animals in this set. And they're neat looking. Some are from the burials of pets.


Belgrade at Night

These photos were all taken near Republic Square, where we were staying. Night gives a bit of oomph to the statues.


Saturday, September 03, 2022


 The brown gown got more work, and I still have more flag to go. The spinner has not been kind to the Lady this year.

Mainly Mountains

I've got most of the mountains done, so I guess it's time for meadow and maybe some sheep.


Overwhelming Opulence

Last bit of the absolutely over the top interior of Caserta before we went outside.


Story of Athena

The Archaeological Museum had a separate exhibit area dedicated to the relationship of Athena with Athens and the various wars. It was interesting and a deep contrast to the staging of the rest of the museum.


Pay Phones

I don't think I've seen a pay phone in a decade, yet there's a whole bank of them in Belgrade.