Saturday, September 17, 2022

Another Corridor

Straight corridors are a thing in Caserta. The but on the bottom is an old sundial.


So Many Olives

What would Greece be without olives? Needless to say, Andreas bought some.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

All The Knots

Despite all the French knots, this mandala was pretty quick to complete. Now to get it framed.


Starting The Middle

Five points and the middle sparks started. 


cozyblue August

This one looks like it will take a while to do but will be interesting to look at when done.


Sometimes You Wonder

Do you get blind to the baroque after a while, or do your eyes long for something plain when living in a place like this?


First Stop Food Tour

This little metal bench place with a kitchen in the middle of the market served lamb burgers and other dishes for peoples' lunches. The food was pretty good.