Friday, September 23, 2022


Andreas decided to upgrade our Carcassonne to the 20th anniversary edition. We really need to clear off the dining room table so we can play.

Portals and Details

So. Many. Rooms. And so many doors. And so many little details. Caserta is overwhelming.


Athens Grafitti

A lot of grafitti around Athens. All of these seen on our food tour.


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

New Squares

Since finishing the scarf, I started another project. This one will probably be a small afghan. Yarn is Landscapes by Lion Brand.


Ladybug and Bud

I have most of a ladybug done. All of this is the widest part of the piece, so the rest should be quicker. But color and something other than the same flower's petals mean progress to me.


A Bit of Light

Little light rays now inside the arc. There are a total of nine outside points, so I've got the majority of them done.


Magnificent Peacock

Just a peacock in a corner of a painting, but what a magnificent piece of artistry.