Thursday, November 10, 2022

From The States

Andreas sent some Legos to Lisa and Donal. In return, as a thank you, they sent us goodies from the States. Thank you!


Second Bud

This is obviously getting closer to done. The second bud is coming along, and the third bud is started. This should be done soon.


Halfway Point

I believe I am at the halfway point of this now. It's all getting more narrow from here.


Pasta Label

This is the label of the pasta factory we went to. I recommend it. 


Animal Photos

When we sat down for Sunday lunch, there were companions. And Andreas always takes photos of cats.


Wednesday, November 09, 2022


I have a half-starred armadillo to finish.


A Little Finish

This temari had been languishing undone for a while now, so I just sat down and finished it.