Friday, January 27, 2023

Serbian Sock Patterns

The Ethnological Museum in Belgrade had a whole gallery dedicated to - socks! Knitting patterns, examples, the works. It was kind of amazing that some curator studied this so thoroughly.  Andreas took photos of a lot of the pattern cards because I know I have a lot of sock knitter friends.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Nearly Halfway

I have one hand almost done and two more started. I think this is coming along at a good pace.


One and a Half Leaves

One and a half of the center leaves done. This is coming along pretty well.


Bit of a Dump

This didn't finish well - it's off center and the color combo didn't sit well with me. So into the donation bin it went.


MSPO in Kielce

One of the first things I did in my new job was go to MSPO, the largest military expo in central Europe.  I got to see a lot of military gear over two days.  The burnt out bodies are Russian and from the war in Ukraine.


Many Murals

This little-viewed villa lets you get truly close to the murals so you can look at them in detail.