Friday, January 27, 2023

Views of Rooms

These bits of Villa Arianna are left open because the roof was missing when excavated. It lets you see the architecture of the place and how they do archaeology on the site.


Serbian Sock Patterns

The Ethnological Museum in Belgrade had a whole gallery dedicated to - socks! Knitting patterns, examples, the works. It was kind of amazing that some curator studied this so thoroughly.  Andreas took photos of a lot of the pattern cards because I know I have a lot of sock knitter friends.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Nearly Halfway

I have one hand almost done and two more started. I think this is coming along at a good pace.


One and a Half Leaves

One and a half of the center leaves done. This is coming along pretty well.


Bit of a Dump

This didn't finish well - it's off center and the color combo didn't sit well with me. So into the donation bin it went.


MSPO in Kielce

One of the first things I did in my new job was go to MSPO, the largest military expo in central Europe.  I got to see a lot of military gear over two days.  The burnt out bodies are Russian and from the war in Ukraine.