Friday, February 10, 2023


A little cowl out of extra yarn for donating.



PGZ had a display of tiny drones, comms gear, and cute ATVs and unmanned vehicles.


Villa Arianna Outer Areas

You can see the modern city and port from one side of the villa, and Vesuvius from the other. You can also see the areas that are not as confined in these photos. I certainly would not have minded living here.


Serbian Textiles

The ethnological museum has a large collection of 19th century clothing. This is some displayed with the home furnishings.


Sunday, February 05, 2023

On to the Big Leaves

Central little leaves done, and now it's time to do the last big elements.


Bottom of Gargoyles

I have a feeling of progress now, as the gargoyle at the left has reached its bottom row. Still a lot to go, but at least a bit of real meaning to progress.


Military Bikes

Bikes for sale at MSPO. All ruggedized for getting around terrain. Lots of bikes have been used in Ukraine.