Friday, March 17, 2023

A Little Stuffy Heart

Need to play around with more evenly poofing  the heart, but it's done. This was a random kit from somewhere, and fairly easy to do.


The Official Description of the Tomb

The words describe what the tomb is and how it was found. The model shows the layout of the place. Honestly, I feel this place is more than worth the visit, and it's so untouted.


Warm Light

Andreas took these in January, just before dusk. The light is beautiful and warms the stone.  It makes Whitby Abbey look wonderful.


Pretty Door

Yes, I like looking at doors. This one is pretty.


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

More Buildings

I can see a few more buildings now along with more sky.


Still Again the Same Row

I have got to be close to finishing this row off.  This area is dense, though, so it's taking a lot of time.


Another Finger

One more finger now, and a bit more outlining on both hands.