Thursday, April 06, 2023

Hair Extensions

An Amazon Prime buy; they were supposed to go in my hair for Christmas, but we didn't get around to it. Time to do it soon.


Phillip's Laurels

This wreath is magnificent.  It's got all these tiny leaves shaped from gold. The thing is breathtaking to look at in person.


Sun Goes Down

The last of the sunlight around Whitby Abbey.


Little Shields

One of the armoires had little shields instead of squares or circles inlaid.


Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Unsure About Fairies

I am so not sure I like the way these fairies look. They look like aliens.


Egging It On

This will also get finished off when I get home. But, for now, it's all stitched up.


All Flaked Up

The snowflake is done. I'll get it hooped up when I get home.