Saturday, May 06, 2023

Heavy Magnets

Cute little star magnets from Boleslawic. Unfortunately they're too heavy to stick properly to the fridge.


Perfect Fit

The little flower fit perfectly in the frame!


A Little Stalled

Little bit of work on this, with the fourth hand started. It didn't get chosen much on home leave.


Top Row Done - Or Not

I need to look into this. The right side is obviously lower than the right, which means a counting mistake right at the middle. Do I frog or just start over?


Belgrade Lights and Pay Phones

Lots of Christmas lights in downtown Belgrade.  We even found ancient pay phone technology.


Thursday, May 04, 2023

Walking Bug

This stage of the triskele reminds me of a beetle going for a stroll.


Eye on You

I finished this eye while on home leave. Now to get it hooped up.