Thursday, May 25, 2023

Lunch at Kulla

Kulla is by downtown Peje. The food is a bit more traditional and less great tasting than Era.


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Starting a Stitchalong

It's been a looong time since I've done a stitchalong, and I'm already well behind on this one. But it's space. And pretty. And I want to do it. The stitchalong is Wonders of the Hubble Telescope by Climbing Goat.


All Seeded

Sunflower Seeds is done. Every day I wonder what happened to the little old lady from Mariupul. I hope she made it out safely.


Make Stuff May 2023 #6: Purple Fish by Durene Jones

The fish is obviously not purple. I've decided to make it green instead. It's off to a good start.



Andreas gave me pens for Christmas in my stocking. He knows my weakness.


Parental Snacks

Mike and Betsy sent us some snacks right around the new year. Andreas ate all the crackers within a week. Leonora's been enjoying all the jam, too, since I wasn't able to make any last year and we were low.


Beans at Etno Kuca

The first time we took Leonora to Etno Kuca, they offered us beans with meat, an off menu item. We accepted. They were good!