Saturday, July 22, 2023

Beading Tools

I didn't have the right tools for my beading on home leave, so Andreas got me this at Michaels.



Andreas and the Department thought it was important that I've managed to work ten years' worth after all the part time too. So they gave me an award and a pin. Andreas said he didn't get a pin for his, so I gave him mine. No idea where Andreas will hide this. He hides my awards because otherwise I will just bin them.


Time for Soma

A little Soma Slow Food on the restaurant final tour of Kosovo. Gads, I miss all this.


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Working on the Fourth

 Hand number four is well started. This is looking to be done soon, and will probably become my daily stitch after a few more sessions.

Gnarly Hinge

Hinge area of the helmet's complete, and it looks a bit intimidating. On to the bottom jaw.


Atomic Star Quilt

I saw this quilt with a black background last year and fell in love. Andreas had me order it, so now I need to start quilting again soon.


In The Great Outdoors

Lounging on the balcony and wandering around the neighborhood, the puppies are living their best lives. Chad is so much better with his allergies since he's been getting his allergy shots.