Friday, September 29, 2023

Picked Up in Sweden

I was so happy the Viking Museum had a few craft books that I bought one. Another something to add to my list of things to do.


Black Needle Society July Box

Another box from Black Needle Society. I am debating cancelling my subscription because they are getting less and less stitchy.


Most of the Mushrooms

I have most of the mushrooms done after a week of stitching. This will be finished soon.


The Rest of the Parade

The parade got a bit more chaotic toward the end.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Making the Round

Working on the spiky bits as this gets closer to completion.


Mermaid Cross Stitch

Normally I am not big on these colors, but for some reason I was this time. So I bought it. Another large project I don't have time for yet.


Well Bird

A little bird all completed in a hoop. It fits rather well.