Thursday, March 06, 2025

Oranges and Reds

Lots of back to do, so I am doing oranges and reds now.


Lots of Tail to Do

I am working on the tail right now. It's the most colorful bit, so it's interesting. Most of the rest of the piece is tail.


Kentucky Chain Done

When I picked these colors, I decided not to do the bits in between the loops as in the pattern. So I put a big Rhodes stitch in the middle and am calling it done!


Head's Done

Little blue frog's head is done. He's about halfway, maybe a bit more.


Birthday Cake


Leonora made me a birthday cake when we got back from our long trip. It was lemon and raspberry and delicious and appreciated. Thank you, Leonora! 

January's Box

Another box of cute stuff.


Books In Front

Kind of appropriate to be selling books in front of Max Planck's lab.