Thursday, January 23, 2025

Christmas Countdown Box

This was from Stitchy Box and was mailed after the start of advent, so I received it around the 20th. Kind of disappointing. More disappointing, I also ordered the Christmas Bash box - and received it busted open with nearly everything missing. She has agreed to send me a bash box in the spring. We will see.


Up and Down and Up

Dragged this out to add to the rotation. It shouldn't be a looong project. I hope.


Ring of Flowers Finished

Looks pretty good, too. 


Bit of Mouth

Little red panda has a bit of mouth now and a bit more back, too. He's getting a personality.


Quilted Ball

When we went to the Christmas Market in Brno, we found a quilt guild selling things! And one of the things I bought was this pretty ball. Turns out Brno is the center of quilting and patchwork in Europe. Who knew?


One Last Mystery Box

One last mystery box. I got some things I really like, and some not so thrilled with. But that's how it goes. 


Back to the Tail

Getting more done on the tail; it's a lot of fiddly bits.